Stronghold Medical Team Targeted By Burma Army Airstrikes

Please Note: These newsletters may contain written descriptions or images of the violence, disease, and injuries our teams confront on a regular basis. Please read at your own discretion.

a letter from Stronghold’s CEO

A Stronghold Rescue Team operating inside Burma was hit multiple times by Burma Army airstrikes. Stronghold’s ambulance manager was wounded.

Protecting and Caring for Families in Burma

A few weeks ago, I led a Stronghold Rescue Team to the front lines of the war in Burma. The team’s mission was to provide medical care and security for ethnic minority populations targeted for genocide by the Burma Army.

Upon arrival, the Stronghold team set up a semi-permanent medical station near the frontlines of a major battle as hundreds of people fled the fighting and dozens were wounded.

However, a Burma Army informant reported the exact location of Stronghold’s medical station to the Burma Army. (This was later confirmed by multiple sources.)

Targeted By Airstrikes

Upon learning the location of our team, the Burma Army launched four fighter jets armed with 500lb bombs. Their mission was to assassinate the Stronghold team — and they nearly succeeded.

The first airstrike hit less than 25 yards from the Stronghold team who were located inside the medical station. Miraculously, myself and all Stronghold personnel were resting on the ground behind concrete walls when the explosion happened.

We immediately rushed outside the medical station and jumped into trenches. Less than a minute later, a second airstrike hit the Stronghold medical station obliterating all of our medical equipment and destroying our team’s personal gear.

While the Stronghold team took cover in the trenches, a third Burma Army airstrike landed another direct hit on our aid station.

All three Burma Army airstrikes detonated within 25 yards of myself and the Stronghold team.

After the third airstrike, the Stronghold team moved out of the kill zone on foot while additional gun runs from Burma Army aircraft strafed our previous positions.

Stronghold’s Ambulance Manager Wounded

During one of the gun runs, Stronghold’s ambulance manager was hit in the leg by shrapnel. He was evacuated on Stronghold’s ambulances and will make a full recovery.

Going Forward

The Burma Army airstrikes will not deter Stronghold’s mission to serve the oppressed people of Burma. They only further our resolve to stand with and serve the innocent people of Burma whose children and families are killed and wounded by the Burma Army on a daily basis.

Thank-you to everyone for supporting Stronghold’s mission and for giving us the opportunity to serve the most vulnerable people in the world.


Ephraim Mattos


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